Terms of Use for Nonprofits

Agreement Document for Cooperation and Terms of Use between JGive and the Joining Nonprofit ("Regulations")

Welcome to JGive!

The purpose of this document is to explain to nonprofits joining the JGive platform, which is operated by JGive- Asor Fund  (R. A. 580586998) (hereinafter: "the Operator" or “Asor Fund”) in collaboration with its sister US-based entity, JGive- Friends of Asor Fund USA Inc. (EIN 81-0757923) (collectively and individually: "JGive"), about the services we provide, including credit card processing, digital receipt issuance, and more. JGive is an advanced technological platform which dedicates significant resources to promoting and doing good via donors who partner with the nonprofits on the platform. 

You are required to operate according to the following policy rules, so please read them carefully. If you act contrary to the policy without receiving approval from JGive, we reserve the right to terminate your activity with us and/or cancel your account at any time.

If you have any further questions regarding the regulations or any other issue, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

  1. General Explanation
  1. JGive is the exclusive operator of the JGive website located at www.jgive.co.il and/or www.jgive.com (hereinafter: "Website"). Through the website, it is possible to register as a nonprofit, publish information, and launch campaigns for fundraising for the nonprofit. Additionally, private donors can register and make one-time and/or recurring donations to various registered nonprofits listed on the website, which are updated from time to time, and search for information about these nonprofits.
  2. The use of the website, both by private users and joining nonprofits, and the contents displayed on it through various end devices, is subject to the website's terms of use (hereinafter: "Terms of Use") which appear at the bottom of the page. This is in addition to the regulations which also generally apply to the joining nonprofits.
  3. JGive commits to operating according to accepted professional standards, relevant regulations, and all applicable laws. For the avoidance of doubt, JGive has the right to provide any information at its disposal, including that which is transmitted to various nonprofits and to enter into other agreements with any other entity. This agreement does not guarantee any exclusivity to any joining nonprofit in any way.

The intellectual property rights in the mechanisms and content that JGive provides to the joining nonprofit belong solely to JGive and no nonprofit may use them without written permission from JGive. The joining nonprofits hereby commit to indemnifying JGive for any damage and liability arising from unauthorized use of these mechanisms and content, including but not limited to, legal expenses, attorney fees, and third-party claims.

  1. Nonprofits joining the platform (hereinafter: "Eligible Nonprofits") agree and commit that they have a valid status according to Section 46(a) of the Income Tax Ordinance and a Certificate of Proper Management and/or a certificate of document submission for young nonprofits valid from the Corporations Authority (hereinafter: "Required Certificates"). Nonprofits must notify the Operator of the expiration/revocation of these certificates, as detailed in Section 9 of the regulations.
  2. If it becomes apparent that the nonprofit does not have the required certificates (whether one or both), JGive reserves the right to block the nonprofit immediately from any use of the platform and prevent the transfer of accumulated donations to the nonprofit and/or the receipt of new donations, until the renewal of the required certificates. The blocking of the nonprofit will be immediate, whether the nonprofit has an active campaign on the platform or not.
  3. If a prolonged period of more than a year passes without renewing the required certificates, JGive, at its discretion and based on the recommendation of the Grants Committee, can distribute these funds to nonprofits with similar objectives.
  4. The joining nonprofits agree and commit that the permitted use of the website is solely for fundraising purposes, and any other use (including but not limited to using the website to receive payments for services, etc.) is strictly prohibited. The nonprofit is solely responsible for ensuring that the donations received indeed meet the definitions of "donation" from the perspective of all relevant authorities (such as the Tax Authority, the Registrar of Nonprofits, etc.). If the website operator incurs costs and/or damages due to claims and/or demands from donors or authorities on this issue, the nonprofits commit to fully indemnify the website operator.
  5. The nonprofits agree and commit to providing JGive, upon request and no later than 14 days from the date of the request, a report detailing the use of donations received through JGive and/or any other financial information directly related to JGive donations (including but not limited to, audited financial statements, clarifications regarding donations and their implementation) for the purposes of transparency, monitoring, and control.
  1. External Suppliers
  1. To clarify the way nonprofits interact with the website, we note that the website is connected to additional external systems that are not controlled by JGive, which provide credit processing and/or receipt issuance services as part of the donation process (hereinafter: "External Suppliers").
  2. For this purpose, the Operator has contracted with external suppliers, each providing the services as detailed below. A brief explanation of the working process with the external suppliers will be provided later in the document. It should be emphasized that in addition to the above, by using the website and/or donating to JGive, the irrevocable consent of the nonprofits and/or users is given to the terms of use of all external suppliers detailed below, as well as those not detailed below. 
  3. PayMe Ltd., registration number 515033553 (hereinafter: "PayMe"), which provides the credit processing services on the website, including secure processing forms and the completion of the processing process from the end customer to the nonprofit. The terms of use can be found at the following link: https://ng.paymeservice.com/misc/privacy/payme_terms_conditions_2016_07.pdf
  4. Digital Solutions for Businesses Ltd., registration number 515220382 (hereinafter: "Digital Invoice"), operates the Digital Invoice website, a system for issuing digital accounting documents. The terms of use can be found at the following link http://www.digital-invoice.co.il/pages/dashboard.aspx (at the bottom of the page under the "Terms of Use" tab).
  5. It should be noted that, from time to time, as is the nature of technological systems, there may be malfunctions in the interface connections between the external suppliers and the website. Therefore, the joining nonprofits agree that they will have no claim and/or lawsuit against JGive and/or the Operator in connection with such malfunctions. Additionally, to resolve these malfunctions within a reasonable time, the nonprofit and/or user must immediately and in writing notify the website operator about these malfunctions. The website operator will make reasonable efforts to try and renew the website's activity and work with the external suppliers to fix these malfunctions.
  1. Donation Process through the JGive Platform 

After opening a nonprofit account on the website and its approval by JGive, accounts are opened in the name of the joining nonprofit, following the approval and completion of the Know Your Customer process with the external suppliers. The Operator is not involved in this process. It should be noted that the website has full integration, including the transfer of complete information to these systems, to make the donation process automatic and without the need for manual processes.

  1. Credit Processing Account at PayMe in the name of the joining nonprofit - the donated funds to the nonprofit are transferred directly to the nonprofit's account by the 10th of each calendar month for donations received up to that date. Usually, it takes 3 business days for the funds to appear in the nonprofit's account. JGive has no control over the donated funds that have been processed and does not hold them. Therefore, JGive and/or the website operator are not responsible in any way for malfunctions in the processing process. By agreeing to these regulations, the nonprofits release JGive and the website operator from any such responsibility and waive any claim and/or lawsuit on the matter. Further details of the fees charged directly by PayMe from the nonprofit for the processing process, against which an invoice is automatically issued and sent to the nonprofit by PayMe, will be provided later.
  2. Digital Receipt Issuance Account at Digital Invoice - since receipt issuance is subject to the instructions of the Income Tax Ordinance (Bookkeeping Accounts), 1973, there are two important points that require clarification as follows:
  1. Digital Receipt Issuance – The Digital Invoice system is approved for issuing digital accounting documents by the Tax Authority and is legally registered with the Tax Authority (approval number 205601). The actual meaning of using this system is that the receipts issued by it are recognized for tax purposes after printing by the donors and there is no need for the nonprofit to issue manual receipts for donations received through the website.
  2. Receipt Numbering – For proper bookkeeping management and after consultation with the Department of Instructions and Bookkeeping at the Tax Authority, it was agreed that nonprofits using the website will have an accounting series created to avoid duplication and conflict between the existing accounting series in the nonprofit. Thus, the nonprofit can continue to issue receipts for donations in any way it has done so far and additionally issue receipts through the website.
  3. It is defined that the default for a new series on the website is 950,000. If the nonprofit wants a different series number, it must notify the website operator in writing and before completing the registration process about changing the receipt series. It should be noted that this number cannot be changed after completing the registration and starting the activity on the website. That is, joining nonprofits that complete the registration and begin their activities hereby irrevocably agree to the above series of invoices and will have no claim in this regard.
  4. It should be noted that before starting activity on JGive, the nonprofit must ensure with its accompanying accountant that the work process detailed above is compatible with the nonprofit's financial and accounting management and/or the nonprofit has the option to adjust its accounting management according to this work process, including the manner of managing account books, credit card processing, issuing computerized documents, and more.
  5. PayMe will be responsible for transferring the donation funds to the nonprofits and/or the selected entities, and/or for any matter related thereto, and it is clarified that JGive will not bear any responsibility and/or be obligated in any way whatsoever for the transfer and processing of the donation funds transferred through it. If the funds are delayed by the processing company, JGive has no control over it, and you will have no claim on the matter.
  6. The Operator and/or JGive and/or Asor Fund are not a party to the agreement between the nonprofit and any third party and will not be responsible, in any way whatsoever, to the nonprofit and/or the user of the donation portal and/or any other third party for the actions and/or omissions of the nonprofit and/or the user of the donation portal, including representations and/or declarations made by the nonprofit and/or the user of the donation portal and/or their representatives among themselves and/or between them and any other third party.
  7. Please note, JGive believes in full transparency. Offline and/or matching donations will be displayed subject to the existence of supporting documents proving the authenticity of the data (bank documents confirming the receipt of the donation and/or receipts). The nonprofit is solely responsible for the information displayed on the campaign page and/or the nonprofit page and is subject to applicable law. When updating offline donations independently from the nonprofit area, it is committed to act fairly, provide reliable lists to the JGive team, and avoid any misrepresentation. Updating offline donations on the website involves a cost of 2% only.
  8. Despite the above, there may be cases where the donation funds are not transferred through external suppliers but directly from Asor Fund to various nonprofits. Regarding these transfers, all provisions and conditions that apply to the transfer of donation funds through external suppliers will apply with the following adjustments.

  1. Donation Process through the Asor Fund 
  1. Alongside the option to donate directly to eligible nonprofits, the platform allows donors to direct donations to eligible nonprofits via the Asor Fund, in which case the donor will receive a receipt from Asor Fund for the full amount transferred, for tax credit purposes under Section 46(a) of the Ordinance.
  2. After receiving the donation, Asor Fund may grant an amount equal to the full donation amount or parts of it to eligible nonprofits, taking into account the donor's recommendations regarding the nonprofits they wish to designate the donations to. The transfer of donation funds received by Asor Fund to eligible nonprofits may occur over several years and not immediately upon receipt of the donation at Asor Fund.
  3. Asor Fund has full discretion regarding the use of these donations, and they are transferred in the form of a recommendation to eligible nonprofits. Despite Asor Fund's efforts to allocate the donation as requested, if it is not possible to do so under any law and/or for any other reason preventing the realization of the donor's recommendation, the Operator, at its discretion and based on the recommendation of the Grants Committee, will allocate the donation to similar purposes.
  4. The donation to Asor Fund is irrevocable and will not be returned to the donor directly or indirectly. Additionally, the funds granted by Asor Fund to eligible nonprofits will not entitle the donor to an additional tax credit.
  1. Donation and Fundraising Process for Tax-Recognized Donations from the USA, Canada, and England
  1. JGive allows you to direct potential donors from the USA, UK and Canada to the JGive English portal. Through the website donors from the USA can donate via  JGive - Friends of Asor Fund USA Inc. (hereinafter: "US entity"), a 501(c)(3) US nonprofit recognized by the American tax authorities (IRS), allowing tax credit for US residents under American tax laws and subject to them. In Canada, donors can donate through our Partners at MIZRACHI CANADA, a Canadian nonprofit recognized by the Canadian tax authorities (CRA) as a nonprofit allowing tax credit for Canadian residents under Canadian tax laws and subject to them. In England, donors can donate through our partners UK TOREMET, subject to British tax authorities and their regulations (hereinafter collectively: "Partnering Nonprofits").
  2. Please note, receiving donations through our partners is subject to all local laws where the donation is made and to the rules of the above nonprofits, and therefore subject to cancellation and/or refund according to the rules applicable in the country of donation. JGive has no responsibility for the non-receipt and/or transfer of such a donation, and you waive in advance any claim and/or demand on the matter.
  3. The nonprofit commits to signing any document and/or form and/or registration and/or account charge authorization required by the partnering nonprofits for the transfer of donations from abroad and also commits to granting them to the eligible nonprofits, subject to applicable local laws.
  4. If a nonprofit does not cooperate with the partnering nonprofits and does not sign the documents required to receive donations from them, it will have no claim regarding the non-transfer of donations from abroad. It is important to note that due to engagements with various service providers enabling donation processing abroad, costs change from time to time. To view the full and updated rate table, click here.
  5. Regarding donations from abroad, most credit card companies allow transaction denial after execution. The nonprofit must sign a form intended for receiving funds from abroad (the form can be requested by email at [email protected]). If the nonprofit does not sign the form, these funds will be transferred after six months upon request. In any case, the nonprofit will have no claim and/or demand to receive the donation funds earlier.
  6. Please note, Asor Fund designates donations from abroad to eligible nonprofits in Israel on the 20th of the following calendar month after their receipt by JGive. If the funds are delayed by processors, banks, and/or nonprofits abroad – JGive has no control over it, and you will have no claim on the matter.
  7. JGive reserves the right to delay the granting of donations to nonprofits if it is found that the nonprofit does not comply with the law and/or has an open debt to JGive (such as debts for PRO services, etc., and/or additional fees) and/or the nonprofit has not completed and returned all required documents for signing (such as account charge authorizations to prevent CHARGE BACK, etc.) and/or is under sanctions and/or for any other reason preventing the realization of the donor's recommendation. Then, the permissible donations to be released and actually received will be transferred to the nonprofit account in Israel.
  8. The donation amount will be transferred in shekels, after conversion. The conversion rate is the representative rate provided by the bank on the day the conversion is made.
  9. If the donations are delayed for the reasons mentioned above and you do not comply with JGive's instructions regarding everything needed for their release within a reasonable time, you permit us to act according to the recommendation of JGive's Grants Committee,  who is a supervisory body over the distribution of funds through the JGive platform. JGive will allocate the donation according to the committee's discretion to similar purposes, taking into account the donors' wishes.
  10. Within the account charge authorization, the nonprofit hereby waives any claim and/or demand of any kind against JGive and/or Asor Fund regarding any charge of the nonprofit and crediting JGive and/or Asor Fund according to JGive and/or Asor Fund's debt request against the nonprofit and/or in case of transaction denial by the donor and/or under any law.

  1. Donation Cancellations and Refunds 
  1. JGive reserves the right to stop, change or prevent any payment made in the context of granting grants and/or directly transferring donations through the JGive platform and/or demand a full or partial refund of all grant and donation funds if, at its sole discretion, such action is required because (1) the nonprofit did not fully comply with the grant conditions and restrictions; (2) the nonprofit has an open debt to JGive; (3) to protect the purpose and objectives of the grant or any other charitable activity of the organization; (4) to comply with any law or regulation applicable to it, to JGive or to this grant, such as, but not limited to, the nonprofit does not have the required certificates, i.e., a valid certificate for the purpose of Section 46(a) of the Income Tax Ordinance and a lack of proper Certificate of Proper Management and/or certificate of document submission; (5) if JGive does not receive signed copies of the grant letters and the general grant terms within 14 days of the grant letter date, JGive has the right to cancel the grant; (6) due to JGive's internal risk management policy as determined from time to time by JGive and its advisors; (7) in the case of mistakenly transferred donations to a nonprofit that is not the beneficiary.
  2. The nonprofit understands, declares, and agrees that donors may choose to "cancel" and/or deny their donation via credit card to the nonprofit by canceling the charge by the donor (valid also for donations in foreign currencies). In such a case, if it is a donation granted by Asor Fund and not a donation transferred directly to the nonprofit through the nonprofit's processing terminal, the nonprofit commits to returning to JGive the donations denied and canceled by the donors, plus transaction cancellation/denial costs. In the above cases, after a thorough examination together with the nonprofits and JGive management, JGive may be required to act according to the existing law and return the donations to the donors, less processing and operational costs, and the funds will not be transferred to the nonprofits.

  1. Costs  
  1. Given that the website operator is a nonprofit and the website operation is non-profit, the operating costs are significantly lower than the market standard.
  2. You can view the detailed processing and platform fees at this link. The fees may be updated from time to time according to the rates set by the credit and processing companies. The amounts do not include VAT.
  3. Some exceptions not detailed in the link: for American Express credit cards - there is an additional fee of 1%-1.5% depending on the currency type. In the case of a donation in shekels using a foreign card, there is an additional fee of 1%. For donations via the BIT app, a fee of 0.5% will be added, and a one-time setup fee of NIS 25 will be charged.
  4. Additionally, there are other tracks that include additional services (such as PRO, etc.) that can be selected on the website from time to time according to prices that will be updated by us from time to time.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt, the nonprofit authorizes JGive to automatically charge and without any need for additional approval, directly and by offsetting from the donation funds donated to the nonprofit, all platform fees agreed upon in the terms of use. The nonprofit will have no claim on this matter against JGive or the processing company PayMe/Meshulam.

  1. Information  
  1. Without detracting from the generality of the above, JGive is entitled to base it’s activity on results and the scope of donations, and, among other things and without detracting from the generality of the above, to publish information about the various nonprofits, their activities, and their engagement with JGive in any medium it chooses, including publishing information on the JGive website. Also, JGive may use the information received by the Operator and/or external suppliers about the various donations for statistical purposes concerning the nonprofits involved in the project and the donation amounts.
  2. It is hereby agreed that any information provided by the joining nonprofits to the website operator and JGive, including the "logo" of the joining nonprofits, as well as images and/or graphics for the website and/or the joining nonprofit's campaign and other details provided as part of the registration and use process of the initiative, belongs entirely to the joining nonprofit and does not infringe the copyrights and/or intellectual property of any third party and is allowed for use by the website operator and JGive, and the nonprofit will have no claim and/or lawsuit on this matter. If it is found that images and/or logos and/or other materials provided by the joining nonprofit to JGive indeed infringe copyrights and/or intellectual property of third parties, then the nonprofit will immediately and fully indemnify JGive for all its damages and expenses on this matter, and the images, campaign, and website will be removed immediately, and the nonprofit will have no claim on this matter. The nonprofits agree that the completion of the registration process grants a license to use the nonprofit's details and logo by the website operator during the engagement period and the use of the website by the nonprofits. For the avoidance of doubt, this license is granted without compensation and as part of the joining nonprofit's desire to join the initiative and the website. The nonprofits agree that all the information provided by them to the website operator will be published publicly and that it is their exclusive property (including moral rights and copyrights), and the website operator will use this information, among other things, to promote the initiative and the website.
  3. The nonprofits are fully responsible for ensuring that the activities they fundraise for indeed entitle donors to an income tax credit under Section 46 since donations on the website are supposed to entitle donors to a receipt under Section 46. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to raise funds on the website for providing services, fundraising events, and/or any other activity that does not entitle a tax exemption under Section 46. If the website operator incurs costs and/or damages due to donor claims on this issue, the nonprofits commit to fully indemnify the website operator.
  4. Additionally, the joining nonprofits are solely responsible for ensuring that the funds raised and donated according to the projects on the website and according to the information provided during registration are used. The website operator has no commitment to the users and donors regarding the final use of their donated funds. Using money donated through the website not according to the project detailed on the website will be considered a violation of these regulations. The nonprofits commit to fully indemnify the website operator for any damage and/or lawsuit (including legal expenses and attorney fees) caused to it due to such use.
  5. All the nonprofit's business activities are and will be legal, do not violate any agreement and/or provision and/or order and/or law, and are not against public policy. Fulfilling its obligations under this agreement does not violate any law. The product and/or service and/or asset and/or rights ("Product" or "Products") offered by it are not counterfeit, do not constitute fraud and/or deception, do not infringe on any third-party rights (including do not constitute infringement of intellectual property rights and/or trade secrets and/or copyrights), and that the nonprofit's terms of use (if required to present them) include an explicit prohibition on illegal and/or prohibited use of any of the nonprofit's products.

  1. Engagement  
  1. It should be emphasized that JGive may, at any time and for any reason, and even without any reason at all, cancel its consent to the cooperation and/or donation of funds through it, by giving written notice to the nonprofit of the termination of the engagement. The nonprofit commits to act immediately to help the website operator terminate the engagement and return any document and/or equipment required from it and sign any document required to terminate the engagement. Additionally, it will immediately cease advertising its cooperation with the website, and if it does not do so after at least 30 days, it commits to compensate the website operator with a daily compensation of $100 for each day beyond the 30 days mentioned above that it does not comply with these rules. The external suppliers commit to cancel the transfer of funds mentioned from the date of notice of termination of the engagement with the nonprofit by the website operator. The nonprofit will have no claim and/or lawsuit regarding the cessation of these transfers and regarding refunds of funds by crediting donors due to the termination of the engagement with JGive.
  2. The joining nonprofits are obligated to notify the website operator in writing about the expected expiration of the certificate under Section 46, 90 days in advance. A nonprofit that does not update the website operator as required will be immediately removed from the initiative and will have to compensate the website operator for its damages caused by the lack of notice mentioned above. The nonprofits hereby agree that they have read this section carefully, understand its meaning, and agree to its content.
  3. Furthermore, the nonprofit must immediately update Asor Fund if its status changes from the date of its registration on the website, such that the nonprofit no longer meets the threshold conditions for nonprofit registration on the website (i.e., having a proper management certificate and a certificate under Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance).
  4. If it is found that the nonprofit does not have the required certificates in force, JGive reserves the right to block all nonprofit activities on the platform immediately until the situation is resolved and the required certificates are presented again to JGive.
  5. The nonprofit may terminate its activity on the website and with JGive in general, at any time, by giving prior written notice signed by authorized signatories to the website operator. After 30 days from the date of the mentioned notice, the nonprofit will be removed from the website, and its active campaigns will be permanently removed from the display until further notice from the nonprofit in writing and subject to re-approval by the website operator and in accordance with these terms of use. The above does not detract from JGive's right to retain the information provided to it by the nonprofit in accordance with Section 5 above and to keep records of the nonprofit's documents, including but not limited to, invoices and receipts issued through the website and other documents related to the nonprofit that are in its possession.

  1. Intellectual Property  
  1. All copyrights of the nonprofit on the website operated by the Operator – including its design, software, application, graphic file, texts, computer code, and any other material included in it – belong solely to the Operator. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, publicly display, translate, or transmit to a third party any part of the above without the explicit and prior written consent of the Operator. The name "JGive", the website name, and the trademarks (whether registered or not) of the Operator, are the exclusive property of Asor Fund.
  2. Despite the above, intellectual property rights in the content provided by the joining nonprofits or their representatives for publication on the website remain their property. However, the joining nonprofits commit not to provide the website operator with content that does not belong to them and that the nonprofits do not have intellectual property rights in. By providing any content for publication on the website, the nonprofit finally and irrevocably confirms that it is the owner of the intellectual property rights therein and that it is authorized to permit its publication on the website. By providing content for publication on the website, the nonprofit grants the website operator a free license until the end of the engagement period with the nonprofit to reproduce, copy, distribute, market, and use the information at its discretion, in any service it provides and in all its publications. The nonprofits commit to fully indemnify the website operator for any damage and/or lawsuit and/or cost (including legal expenses and attorney fees) caused to it due to demands and/or lawsuits from third parties regarding intellectual property as mentioned.

  1. Privacy Policy  

The user details or additional details you will be required to provide as a condition for using some of the website services and/or external suppliers' services, as well as any other personal information about the joining nonprofit received by JGive, are subject to the website operator's privacy protection rules, as updated from time to time.

  1. Usage Termination and Indemnification
  1. JGive may, at its discretion, terminate the activity of any user in its services if they do not comply with the terms of this agreement, including blocking them with external suppliers.
  2. If the joining nonprofit violates these terms of use, JGive, at its discretion, will be entitled to disclose its name and known details about it in any legal proceeding, even if no judicial order is given instructing so.
  3. Additionally, the joining nonprofit will indemnify JGive, its employees, managers, or its representatives for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment, or expense caused to them, including attorney fees and legal expenses, due to the  violation of these terms of use.
  4. Any dispute regarding the compliance of the parties with the agreements detailed above in this document will first be brought for discussion before the organizations' managements. If no agreement is reached, the parties will refer to the competent courts on the matter.
  5. This agreement is governed exclusively by the laws of the State of Israel. The exclusive jurisdiction for any matter related to this agreement and the use of the website is in the competent courts in the Tel Aviv-Yafo area.

  1. Declarations of the Joining Nonprofit

By joining the JGive platform and as a condition for receiving funds through the platform and/or from Asor Fund, the joining nonprofit declares as follows:

  1. That it is a nonprofit recognized for the purpose of receiving a tax refund under Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance in the State of Israel.
  2. That it holds a Certificate of Proper Management and/or a certificate of document submission from the Registrar of Nonprofits and/or alternatively a lawyer's certificate (in the case of a statutory corporation).
  3. That it holds all licenses and approvals required by all relevant regulatory authorities and complies with the applicable laws and regulations, and that it intends to continue to operate properly before state authorities according to tax laws and to act in accordance with any additional law applicable to its activities.
  4. That it adheres to proper book and financial records management to prove proper use of donations.
  5. It commits to directing all donations received through the platform solely for the nonprofit's purposes, in accordance with the purposes registered as the nonprofit's objectives, and no part of its income or assets will be directed for the benefit or enjoyment of a manager and/or appointee and/or donor of the nonprofit and/or controller in the organization and/or member of the organization other than for the declared purposes of the nonprofit and that any donation received through the platform will be used only in accordance with the nonprofit's declared policy, and for authorized activities as described in the nonprofit's registration forms.
  6. It confirms that the nonprofit's content provided to JGive as part of the platform registration process accurately describes and reflects the nonprofit's activities.
  7. The nonprofit commits that its managers, officeholders, trustees, advisors, board members or employees are not listed on any local or international watch lists against terrorism, money laundering, anti-bribery, or other watch lists, including, but not limited to, OFAC, SDN, the EU consolidated list, UK and the OSFI consolidated list.
  8. The nonprofit commits, including all its managers, officeholders, trustees, employees, and authorized agents, not to publish on the platform any content encouraging violence, inciting hatred, or promoting discrimination against groups covered by anti-discrimination laws.
  9. The nonprofit commits that it does not support any action and/or campaign and/or political organization or sponsor such activities and does not publish material containing political propaganda in any way.
  10. The nonprofit commits that it will not operate a lobby on behalf of a governmental or local authority, except as permitted by relevant laws and to the extent allowed.
  11. The nonprofit commits that if it receives a donation in the form of a grant that is restricted in its purpose, it will act according to all the instructions or restrictions accompanying this grant. If the nonprofit cannot comply with these instructions, it commits to returning this donation to JGive.
  12. That it will not allow any individual to receive personal benefits from the donations.
  13. That it will not use donations from the JGive platform to bribe any government or public official, to gain an illegal advantage in political or legal proceedings, or to conduct business unlawfully.
  14. It commits to returning any part of donations from the JGive platform found to be used for unlawful purposes or not for charitable purposes, subject to all laws (especially laws relating to Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code).
  15. The nonprofit or any of its stakeholders confirms that it has not been denied banking services for reasons related to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing.
  16. The nonprofit acknowledges and recognizes that a donation received on the JGive platform and transferred to the nonprofit by Asor Fund through the platform is an irrevocable donation received by Asor Fund or by the American entity abroad in the form of a recommendation. Despite Asor Fund’s efforts to allocate the donation as requested, if it is not possible to do so under any law and/or for any other reason preventing the realization of the donor's recommendation, Asor Fund, at its discretion and based on the recommendation of the Grants Committee, will allocate the donation to similar purposes.
  17. The nonprofit commits to providing, within 14 days of JGive's request, a report detailing the use of JGive donations or any other financial information related to the use of the donation funds received from JGive (including, but not limited to, audited financial statements, clarifications regarding donations and their implementation for transparency, etc.).
  18. If a donation transferred through the platform is canceled and/or denied by a donor, JGive will notify as soon as possible with supporting documentation. The nonprofit commits to immediately returning any part of such a donation, subject to all laws (especially laws relating to Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance). Alternatively, JGive (at its sole discretion) may offset any amount canceled or denied from any future or other donation already received and held by JGive. The nonprofit confirms that it will have no claims against JGive in this regard.
  19. The nonprofit commits that it will not transfer and/or assign its rights and obligations under these regulations to any entity or person without JGive's approval.
  20. The nonprofit is aware that these declarations are not time-limited and apply to any financial donation as long as the nonprofit is registered on the platform and agrees that if JGive learns that these declarations are incorrect, JGive may immediately remove the nonprofit from the platform and will not allow donation transfers through it until the situation is corrected to JGive's satisfaction under all laws.

  1. Use of the JGive platform 
  1. Use of JGive services will be in accordance with the law and done in good faith and customary manner. No misuse or use contrary to law or public policy or unreasonable use or use for purposes other than those for which the service is intended, including illegal or prohibited money transfers, transfers to circumvent restrictions on reporting regarding anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, transfers to entities appearing on international sanctions lists, or impersonation of any person or legal entity. The nonprofit declares that it does not violate any law and will not use the JGive platform for prohibited use as mentioned above. Without detracting from the company's rights, anyone violating such prohibition will indemnify the company for any damage caused to it as a result.
  2. JGive will not bear any responsibility towards any user or third party in case of transactions and services prohibited under these terms of use. For the avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that JGive may not allow any use of funds, including withdrawal or transfer of funds in any way, derived from transactions and services mentioned or in case of suspicion regarding them. JGive may also report any such suspicion and provide information to relevant authorities without notifying the user.
  3. The nonprofit commits not to do and/or assist in doing any action aimed at or likely to harm the platform, services, JGive, or other users, including: spreading spam, advertisements, or other marketing mail not by law, introducing or operating viruses, trojans, malware, and/or spyware; interfering with server and/or website operations, etc. Additionally, the use of the platform is conditional, among other things, on all the following conditions cumulatively:

1. You are not in a country subject to an embargo determined by a US government entity as a "terror-supporting" country or territory.

2. You do not appear on any list of a US government entity regarding prohibited or restricted entities and do not have any connection, including business, with such an entity.

3. You are not in a country where the use of services and the application is not permitted under local law.

  1. Regulation of Terms of Use Changes 
  1. From time to time, we may change our terms of use and policies (including but not limited to, the list of external suppliers, usage methods, and project-related costs). Therefore, you should check here frequently for updates to the regulations. According to our regulations, it is your responsibility to update yourself with the published policy rules and act accordingly. Any deviation from this policy is allowed only with prior written approval from JGive.
  2. By agreeing to the above terms of use on the website, you confirm that the nonprofit's authorized signatories have reviewed the regulations and its content, and approved the nonprofit's commitment to the above.

Updated: July 24, 2024
